January 31, 2024

Answers from 25 Grief Experts

Have you ever thought about what it means to grieve consciously? Watch my interview here Watch the entire summit here ‌ Spiritual Psychologist and Grief Guide, Tara […]
November 17, 2023

Don’t fall into the icy creek…

I was on a mountain bike riding with a friend along the Colorado trail many years ago. Thanksgiving was just around the corner and a recent […]
July 14, 2023

Karen’s New Book: The Pet I Can’t Forget

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b5EZEF2dMLA Now available on AMAZON, Kindle Unlimited and Audible  My latest project has been completed! Coming soon – May 2024 My voice will narrate my new […]
February 22, 2023

A Special Message for You

Someone you love and miss wants you to know they are near and love you so much. How do I know? I was guided to reach […]
November 19, 2021

It happened again today dear human…

I broke down in tears after a devastating session with a client who had lost the love of his life and best friend. During our afterlife […]
April 15, 2021

When is the Right Time to Euthanize?

Caring for an aging pet is both a blessing and a challenge rolled into one. First, it is an honor to have a pet reach their […]
April 10, 2021

Amazing Afterlife Book Now Available in German!

Do you know someone struggling with a loss who only speaks and reads in German? Gift them this book to help them heal The German Translation […]
October 16, 2020

Until We Meet Again – Just on the other side of The Rainbow Bridge

Just on the other side of the Rainbow Bridge, a joyous reunion awaits you All of your beloved and precious angels will be right there waiting […]
September 12, 2020

Finding Meaning and Purpose After a Loss

A Piece of Your Heart Remains With Your Departed Pets It feels that way for a reason. When you lose your beloved companion a piece of […]
August 18, 2020

You May Be the ‘Problem’ in Your Pet’s ‘Behavior Problem’

Is Your Pet Behaving badly? YOU may be the problem, not your pet If your pet is acting out or misbehaving ask yourself these three questions: […]


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