October 20, 2021

Your Departed Pets Will Always Be With You…

Your departed pets will always be near… The pain is devastating after the loss of a beloved companion and friend. It is a sad realization that […]
August 18, 2020

You May Be the ‘Problem’ in Your Pet’s ‘Behavior Problem’

Is Your Pet Behaving badly? YOU may be the problem, not your pet If your pet is acting out or misbehaving ask yourself these three questions: […]
August 18, 2020

Are You Selfishly Keeping Your Departed Pet Near?

“Am I being selfish? I don’t want my pet’s soul to leave me…” It was a painful email message from a grief-stricken pet parent, Larissa. The […]
February 21, 2019

The Tools You Have Right Now To Receive Messages From Your Pet

The 8 Main ‘Clairs’ – The Extra Senses Used During a Pet Communication Session We all come into this world with psychic or intuitive abilities. Eons […]


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