Until We Meet Again – Just on the other side of The Rainbow Bridge

When Your Pet Visits from the Afterlife
September 28, 2020
Understanding the Afterlife
December 2, 2020

Just on the other side of the Rainbow Bridge, a joyous reunion awaits you

All of your beloved and precious angels will be right there waiting for you when your time arrives.  Few words come close to describing the joy and immense love that gathers among all of our departed loved ones when we return back ‘home’ again.
While the Rainbow Bridge may be a fictional place the reality is the animals have described something very similar to me during sessions. They share intense love, vibrant colors, an incredible sense of peace, comfort, and pure bliss. So I firmly believe there is such a place that we will one day return to. This joyful paradise is all around us in a parallel world where we recharge our souls and continue to grow on a spiritual level.
The animals have told me that part of our soul remains on the Other Side and when our time to leave this Earth arrives we are finally ‘whole’ again. We return to our source our Creator and the part of our soul that stayed behind. We are complete. We also reconnect with all of our loved ones and beloved animal companions.
There is nothing that will keep you from your angels as you are true soulmates and the bonds of love never die.

Who is waiting for you?

I have lost track of how many precious animal companions are waiting for me on the other side of the Rainbow Bridge but I know it will be the best reunion ever!
As your time approaches, your soul group receives an energetic message that it is time to gather. You may have heard about patients on their death beds describing loved ones gathering around them. It happens all the time. My grandmother left this Earth smiling as she began to see her departed loved ones surrounding her in the hospital.
There is no linear time on the Other Side so it is literally just a drop in the bucket of time for us to join all of our departed loved ones in spirit. So until you meet again know in your heart that your precious angels are safe, happy, and patiently awaiting a joyous reunion with you.
Share how many angels are waiting for you in the comments below.
I think I’m way over 30 pets waiting…and counting. So much love though…so much love 

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Karen is an award-winning animal communicator and best-selling author who specializes in pet loss and the afterlife. She has documented her journey with her heartwarming and inspirational books, The Pet I Can’t Forget, The Amazing Afterlife of Animals and Hear All Creatures.
She also offers a free app and animal communication coaching programs for all skill levels as well as loving support and guidance for those struggling with the loss of a beloved companion.
Karen is the CEO and founder of Painted Rain Ranch Animal Sanctuary a non-profit charity that serves as a final refuge for elderly, special needs, and abandoned companion animals. Karen saves the pets no one else wants on her 30-acre farm in the Inland Pacific Northwest. Proceeds from Karen’s books and coaching benefit the animals at the sanctuary.
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  1. Lesley says:

    I have 10 dogs and 3 cats waiting for me on the other side.
    In some ways I feel the time is getting closer. Oh I’m not sick but as I age I realize my time on earth is not endless.
    Thank you for the kindness and caring you provide. It truly means a lot to me. I hope one day to be fortunate enough to have a reading.

  2. Natalie says:

    At least thirty beloved pets will (hopefully) be waiting!

  3. Linda Labbe says:


  4. Sheila Carden says:

    I have eight little souls waiting for me. From when I was small at 5 years old and now at 66 years old. I know that as long as I live there will most likely be more. Can’t live without them.

  5. Ann Hawks says:

    I hope I have one dog, and 5 cats there to greet me.

  6. Angela says:

    I have one – my “dog-star”. He’s the only one I need. It would have been his 16th birthday today.

  7. Brandi Oshiro says:

    Just one special little (but very big in our hearts) guy for now…
    * RADAR
    Thank you, Karen, for all you do and are. Your books and animal communication page have been of such great help throughout my grieving process as well as helping to practice my intuition and communication skills. All of your resources have been such a blessing in more ways than one could ever imagine!!!

  8. I can’t wait to meet again with Gatsby and Mr. Darcy.

  9. Lynne Roberts says:

    I have six sweet angel fur babies waiting for me at the Rainbow Bridge. I love each and every one of these puppies to the moon and Beyond. I still miss every one of them. And I look so forward to the time when I can hold them and pet them again. Thank you Karen for all of your advice. You have helped me through this last painful period of grief so much. Bless your heart.

  10. Janie-Jane says:

    The owners of my Heart are waiting patiently for mummy
    Muttley Moo & Wilfred Woo my two bull terriers

  11. Gwen Dana says:

    My first dog Sparky left me when I was 5 and she was 3, my next dog Tweety left when I was 15 and she was 9, Harley my crazy 3-legged 9 year old dog and my 19 year old tabby cat left when I was 48. Lillie, the love of my life 15 year old boxer mix left me when I was 70…I love your words and pray that we will all be reunited someday😢❤️

    • Karen Anderson says:

      I am so sorry for all of your losses, Gwen. I’m sure each one brought so much joy and richness into your world. They will all be there waiting for you someday and it will be as if no time at all has gone by. Sending love and healing…

  12. Kristine Gray says:

    I have 4 cats, Bud, Elmo, Mickey and Gizmo, as well as 1 dog, Molly, waiting for me. Molly passed must recently, 1 yr ago I hope that I can be lucky enough to have a pet communication session with you one day Karen to connect with Molly as well as with my 4 cats. Thank you.

    • Karen Anderson says:

      I am so sorry for your losses and I’m sure they will all be waiting for you someday. You do not need me to connect with them as anyone can do this (especially if I can!). Hold onto the love and how special each one is. Sending love and healing…

  13. Cassandra clarke says:

    Hi I have 8 earth Angels and 2 cats . My Angel left 22/12/20 she is soul angel and my soul mate

    • Karen Anderson says:

      That is quite a few angels, and what a joyous reunion it will be for all of you! They are all so special and so missed. Sending love and healing…

  14. ThumpersMama18 says:

    As of right now I have one VERY special rabbit waiting for me. I love you Thumper!!!

    • Karen Anderson says:

      I had a Thumper as a kid…loved that bunny! One of my first pets. And yes, Thumper will be there for you. Sending love and healing…

  15. Linda says:

    Shady and Lily, my beloved cats and the animal that started my love of animals when I was 11, my poodle, Tiny. Speaking with Karen has brought reassure that when our sweet pets leave this earth, it is not the end. I have found comfort in that many times since losing my kitties. Thank you, Karen. 🙂

    • Karen Anderson says:

      It is my greatest pleasure to be here on this journey with you, Linda. Thank YOU for shining your beautiful light into my life. Sending love and healing…

  16. Martha Ramirez says:

    My beloved dog companion, soulmate and best friend Paquito will be waiting for me. It will be such a happy time for both of us!!

    • Karen Anderson says:

      It will be a happy reunion someday when you and Paquito reunite. It will be as if no time has gone by at all. Sending love and healing…

  17. Mary Ellen says:

    My Clyde,he was an incredible companion. Still talk to him❤️

    • Karen Anderson says:

      I talk to mine all the time! You are in good company. They love it when we say their names out loud and talk to them as if they were right here. It honors them and makes them feel loved and special. Sending love and healing…

  18. Nathalie H. says:

    Buddy (Setter-cross), Lucky (Boxer), Ali & Fifi (Bengali birds), Titi Blue (Canary bird), Griset & Oranger (goldfish), Boris & Billy (hamsters). Now, this year so far has been totally dreadful! In June, I lost my beloved 14-year-old Jack Russell Terrier, Tickle, and this totally crushed me. Then less than two months later, my poorly street rescue kitty cat Rémi passed away, and earlier this month Lily, the senior stray cat I was feeding in the village, departed too. I pray that I will be reunited with my lovely little tribe one day. I miss them all dearly, especially my dogs and cats!

    • Karen Anderson says:

      You will all be together again someday and what a joyous reunion it will be! They are all so special…You have quite a few fur angels and I’m sure each one is special. Sending love and healing

  19. I have 3 pekingnese 1 boxer 1 poodle numerous cats. Miss all of my furbabies

    • Karen Anderson says:

      They will all be there waiting for you someday! There is nowhere else they would rather be than with you. Sending love and healing…

  20. Judy swindle says:

    I have about 18 on the other side that will be waiting. Four of them that were super close were dogs and 3 cats were very close. My last one that passed was my baby boy Khrshack. I also had a fox,a monkey, and 3 horses. Thank you so much Karen for this email. It came just when I needed it. You are such a Blessing Judy

    • Karen Anderson says:

      Wow, Judy, that is quite a few fur angels! I’m so glad you are here and sharing your journey with me. Sending love and healing…

  21. Susan M. Anglin says:

    Since I rescue animals, there are too many to count. But I can count my 5 donkeys, minature horse, and iguana. Right now I have 13 cats and 5 dogs close to my heart. Animals have saved my life. There isn’t anything I wouldn’t do for them. They give more to me than I could ever return to them. What a reunion it will be.

    • Karen Anderson says:

      I’m right there with you…too many to count but I would do anything for them. Each one is so special and has made my life so much richer. We will celebrate our reunions, won’t we!

  22. Debbie Rendek says:

    We have 7 birds ( 1 Love Bird, 2 Parakeets,4 cockatiels , 1 guinea pig, and 1 rabbit on the other side. I have 2 childhood miniature poodles that I grew up with. My daughter has 2 rabbits and and 4 parakeets. All are waiting to meet us on the other side. Thanks, Karen for all the support you have given all of us! You are an angel!

    • Karen Anderson says:

      You’ll be surrounded by so many beloved angels! What a big welcoming committee it will be! So happy to share this journey with you sweet lady! xoxo

  23. Karen says:

    My husband and I have 4 furry children on the other side…Panache, Gossamer, Chloe and Baby JoJo — our 4 beloved cats. I also have my amazing dog and cat that I grew up with, “Precious and Tinkerbell” who I love dearly, as well. Today — November 11th — is the anniversary of my beautiful Chloe’s passing and I saved this email from you, Karen to read for today. I miss them all so much and that never lessens nor does my love for them. The anniversaries of their passings however are even more difficult days than every other day without their physical presence. The immeasurable and incredibly valuable information that you share, Karen is such a gift until we can be there ourselves on the other side when we reunite with our perfect angels forever.

    • Karen Anderson says:

      Thank you so much for the kindness, Karen. You are a treasure to me! Time will never lessen our love but hopefully, it will lessen the pain of our grief. Anniversaries are very painful, aren’t they? I just had one too. November 1st was the anniversary of my beloved kitty, Monroe’s passing in 1995. It has been 25 years now but I still have that sensation in my heart when I think of him…all these years later. Sending you and all your beloved companions peace and healing hugs.

  24. Susan says:

    I have eight canine fur babies waiting – two, Jenny (16 years old) and Comet (14 years old), have just left me – Jenny six months ago, Comet two days ago. I completely believe they are living the good life. I miss them so much it hurts, but I’m also happy they are no longer in pain, have no fear, and are having great fun.

  25. Geda from Italy says:

    Dear Karen I am reading one of your book although my American English is rusty and poor. It’s hard to find something of similar in Italy. I do hope animal communication could spread out here too, we need people like you. Thanks for your healing words, they are helping me to rise again from despair.
    Gretel, my first real love, is waiting for me from the Other Side, I can’t wait to see her again. In the meanwhile I keep celebrating our life together… As you teach.
    From Italy, thank you so much

    • Karen Anderson says:

      I am so sorry for the loss of your angel, Gretel. It is so painful to lose a beloved friend and someone who you hold so dear in your heart. I am so glad my book, The Amazing Afterlife of Animals is helping you through this painful journey. I would love to get the book translated into Italian. So many would benefit from the healing and inspiring stories. I will hold a special place for you in my heart for healing. Sending love…

  26. Kim Larsen says:

    Thank you for your article. Reading your material has really given me the comfort that I will see my furry (and scaly) Angels again. Having just lost my 2 year old Presa, I am at a loss as to how to go on without him. I cry all the time, but now I know I WILL SEE HIM AGAIN. Along with a bunny rabbit, a tortoise, a canary, an Arabian named Ziggi, a Shetland named Amanda, a Schnauzer named Brandy, a doberman called Max, two Yorkshire terriers, Bolly and Molly, and Jay. Thank you for what you do, and for giving us hope in the darkest of times.

    • Karen Anderson says:

      I’m so sorry for all of your losses. You sound like me…so many will be waiting! Yes, you will see them all again someday. It will be a beautiful reunion filled with love. Sending love and healing…

  27. Connie Fisher says:

    I have my fur baby Harley who is waiting for me on the other side and really hope I get to see him again.

    • Karen Anderson says:

      I am so sorry for your loss of your angel, Harley. You most definitely will be together again. Bonded for eternity, there is nowhere else Harley would rather be than with you. Big warm hugs and healing…

  28. Bombers mum says:

    6 days ago I lost my soul mate, best friend and the love of my life Bomber. He was only 8 and it was so sudden and traumatic and I still don’t know what happened. I only had the chance to say goodbye after he crossed. My heart is shattered. I started searching for answers and help immediately and this is how I found you. I have many furbabies on the other side but this boy is my heart and soul dog. He was a rescue and I say we saved each other. There was only the three of us, his sister Macy is missing him badly too. Every decision I made and make in my life is for my furkids, they are my world. I have always believed that I would see my human loved ones again and I know that I will see Bomber too it’s the only thing keeping me going. I love him and miss him so much. I’m praying i get a sign from him. I still talk to him every day and kiss his photo good morning and good night every day. I hope to have a reading with somebody one day and I hope to also take your course. I am so grateful I found your app.

    • Karen Anderson says:

      I am so sorry for the loss of your angel, Bomber. It is so hard to lose them after a long life and even harder when it is much earlier than expected. I truly believe that Bomber has guided you my way. He wants you to know that is alive and well in spirit and he will always be connected to you. I’m so glad my app is helping you. Be sure to opt in on my home page as a VIP member too so I can continue to provide you with ongoing love and support. My books will help you too. The Amazing Afterlife of Animals will answer so many questions about what happens on the Other Side. Thank you for sharing your angel and if you want Bomber’s photo to be honored in the Gallery inside the app just email it to my office. Send me a note at karen@karenanderson.net and I’ll post it for you. Sending love and healing…

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