October 20, 2021

Your Departed Pets Will Always Be With You…

Your departed pets will always be near… The pain is devastating after the loss of a beloved companion and friend. It is a sad realization that […]
September 10, 2021

The Official Launch: My Non-Profit Animal Sanctuary – Painted Rain Ranch

I am excited to announce the Official Launch of my new Non-Profit 501-c-3 Animal Sanctuary:Painted Rain Ranch Animal Sanctuary  We Save the Pets No One Else […]
September 10, 2021

Your Pet is Leaving you Signs

Has this happened to you? You walk past the window and see something on the glass. What you see takes your breath away. You take a […]
April 15, 2021

When is the Right Time to Euthanize?

Caring for an aging pet is both a blessing and a challenge rolled into one. First, it is an honor to have a pet reach their […]
April 10, 2021

Amazing Afterlife Book Now Available in German!

Do you know someone struggling with a loss who only speaks and reads in German? Gift them this book to help them heal The German Translation […]
September 28, 2020

When Your Pet Visits from the Afterlife

Has your departed pet ‘visited’ you? Maybe you felt them walk across the bed or you sensed their warmth near you. Maybe you heard them walk […]
September 12, 2020

Finding Meaning and Purpose After a Loss

A Piece of Your Heart Remains With Your Departed Pets It feels that way for a reason. When you lose your beloved companion a piece of […]
August 18, 2020

Are You Selfishly Keeping Your Departed Pet Near?

“Am I being selfish? I don’t want my pet’s soul to leave me…” It was a painful email message from a grief-stricken pet parent, Larissa. The […]
July 11, 2020

Are You Sending Agonizing Messages to Your Pet?

If you have lost a beloved pet then you know the heartache that follows. Just remember, you signed up to experience everything with your animal companions […]
May 29, 2020

Get the Pet Loss App Now

My FREE APP is called:  Pet Loss Hope & Healing  The focus will be on your journey through grief into healing, afterlife insights, Animal Communication, and […]


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