Your Loved Ones Sent You My Way…

Life Continues for Your Pet in the Afterlife…
January 21, 2020
The 7 Simple Steps to Help Your Pets During Troubled Times
April 1, 2020


There is no coincidence that our paths have crossed today…

I believe your departed loved ones sent you my way.
How do I know? They tell me.
The spirits of your departed pets and loved ones know I can help you no matter where you are on your journey in this lifetime.
They work a little bit of their magic into the equation and manipulate your thoughts and actions, and your electronic equipment.
Suddenly, you find yourself ordering my books or clicking on my website.
I hear this time after time, ‘I don’t remember exactly how I found you but your books or website popped up on my computer. I felt instantly drawn to you.’

Your departed loved ones know you and I have some common bonds.
Maybe you are dealing with some pretty rough times or have challenges that impede your path to happiness. 
Perhaps you are struggling with your grief right now or blaming yourself for a pet’s death. Maybe you are feeling utterly worthless with no self-confidence, or you may even be in a dead-end relationship or working at a job you hate. 
It seems endless like there is no way out and you’ll never be able to break free of the chains that bind you. But your loved ones know how to help you and they want you to live a full, complete, and joy-filled life. 
So, they send you my way.

I have worked with departed spirits for over 26 years and they know me on the Other Side. I have a reputation as a messenger, coach, and afterlife specialist and in the great big web of the Universe, we are all connected.
They know that I figured out how to turn things around for myself.
Despite the crazy line of work I am in I was able to turn everything around, from bankruptcy and food banks to create the life I’ve always dreamed of.
I can do the same thing for you. 
All you have to do is decide right now that you will take action. 
Healing is an action-based word.
You are the most important part of that action. 

I made a promise to myself and the Universe that I would pay it forward and help others do the same. 

Maybe you and I connected to help you expand your thoughts and perspective about the afterlife.

Perhaps I was meant to help you by proving beyond a shadow of a doubt that your pet or loved one is still connected to you through my books, podcasts, or events. 

It’s obvious that something or someone who sent you my way.

In the last two decades, along with being a Pet Loss and Afterlife Specialist, I have also earned the title of a #1 bestselling national and international award-winning author and the recipient of over 19 literary awards. 

Wow! How cool is that? 
It shows you that anything is possible with the right mindset. 

Just think of what you and I can create with your special gifts. 

Even if you don’t think you have those gifts, I promise you, they are there just waiting for you to believe in something bigger than your grief. 


How can I help you today?

  • * For Pet Loss support join me and over 40k pet parents on my Facebook page click here
  • * New to Animal Communication? Awesome! I’m happy to share with you.  Join my free Facebook practice group click here.
  • * If you are seeking guidance to begin your Animal Communication journey and are not sure where to start just click here and tell me what level you are and what your goals are.
  • * If you are ready to start your Animal Communication path as a beginner click here

So there you have it.
Now you know why we were meant to connect. 
And if you need more proof of how much I help people just like you click here 

Even if you don’t need help right now maybe you are just a super cool, enlightened, and loving pet parent who loves my books so that is THE MAIN REASON we were meant to connect. 

So there are no coincidences in my world.
Everything happens for a reason.
Thank you for being a part of my journey. I welcome your thoughts, feedback, love, and support. 
I promise you I will do everything within my power to show you how to turn your life around, heal from a loss, or create the life you have always dreamed about and deserve!

I’m here for you. Let’s start your healing journey today. 
I’ve got eight simple steps to share with you so you can understand the pets you love. 
Just imagine what messages await you! 
Start here: Click to begin
Knowing how to communicate with my beloved companion animals has been THE ONLY THING that has gotten me through the grief.
I can help you too.
If you’d like to share your thoughts…
Post a comment below.
I read and respond to each one and appreciate the time you took to share your thoughts. 

With love and light,

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Forward this blog post to someone you care about, it could make their day and change their life.
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Karen is an award-winning animal communicator and best-selling author who specializes in pet loss and the afterlife. She has documented her journey with her heartwarming and inspirational books, The Pet I Can’t Forget, The Amazing Afterlife of Animals and Hear All Creatures.
She also offers a free app and animal communication coaching programs for all skill levels as well as loving support and guidance for those struggling with the loss of a beloved companion.
Karen is the CEO and founder of Painted Rain Ranch Animal Sanctuary a non-profit charity that serves as a final refuge for elderly, special needs, and abandoned companion animals. Karen saves the pets no one else wants on her 30-acre farm in the Inland Pacific Northwest. Proceeds from Karen’s books and coaching benefit the animals at the sanctuary.
The app is FREE Download here or in the APP store on your device


  1. joe says:

    I love that you live on a farm of land with your hubby and all those beautiful animals. I’m still waiting for your book to arrive here in Ireland. I’m 72 years young and married to my wife of 53 years, Madeline, have 6 beautiful daughters who are very lovely but don’t accept my ‘awakening”. So you guessed it I’m not alone.
    I lost one beautiful daughter who passed to the other realm over 20 years ago. My wife came home from babysitting one of our daughters 4 years ago I told her Jasper has cancer her answer was, ‘how do you know this?’ I said it coming from inside me a knowing. She contacted my daughter and they took Jasper to the vet.
    In the meantime, my sister arrived and told me her son and girlfriend are splitting up and they couldn’t agree so decided they would put the dog they called Buttons to sleep. I yelled at my sister and said I would take the 3 years old bison female.
    Now that evening, my wife arrived home to say I was correct about Jasper’s cancer and they would keep her and operate. A few days passed and Buttons the new dog and Jasper met for the first time the new dog Buttons went into Jasper’s little bed comforted her till the next morning when Jasper had passed quietly away. A few weeks later Jasper came to me in meditation and clearly saying, ‘do you like Buttons I had this all thought out before I passed over and I’m so you are happy again.’ Thanks, Karen for being here in this beautiful space.
    Love, light, and peace to you in this moment. Joe.

    • Karen Anderson says:

      Wow, Joe! That is so amazing! Thanks so much for sharing that beautiful story with Jasper. I am so sorry for your loss and how very special that you have Buttons now. Your book order is on the way. Thanks so much and you are welcomed to share your stories with me anytime! I think they are wonderful!

  2. Angela says:

    I lost my sweet little “girl” Bella about six weeks ago and I have not stopped thinking about her. My heart must have shattered into a million pieces because I cry every time a thought or a memory of the things we did together enters my mind which has been every day since I lost her. I have had many other animals in my life that I have loved and lost but not quite to the extent of losing Bella. I need to know that she is alright and that she is still with me and if she stills loves me. There is such an emptiness in my life now without her now. I miss her physical presence so very much, picking her up and holding her, walking, playing together. She was such a very special little girl, almost human! I can’t help but think that if I had been able to communicate with her that night she wouldn’t have died because I would have able to get her the vet sooner. I have read your book and am in the process of reading it again. I’m so lost without my Bella!!

    • Karen Anderson says:

      I am so sorry for the loss of your sweet girl, Bella. It is so hard to say goodbye and I can’t imagine how devastated you must be. Please accept my heartfelt condolences for your loss. Thank you for reading my book and may each chapter bring you closer to healing. I’m sure she loves you with all of her heart and that she is right there with you as there is nowhere else she would be.

  3. Hello, My name is Don Naffziger and I have messaged you before about my One-And-Only-Angel Cat, Grazee. I am still having such a hard time grieving over her and I am feeling guilty about being selfish meaning I have been missing her old physical body being able to touch her and we used to have a bonding every night before bed. I still do the first part every night where I sing our song but after I finished singing I would lay my head on her softly and rub it back and forth and she would begin purring. I had read somewhere about how cats when they would join a pack they would rub themselves against the others giving each other their pheromones and that was their way of bonding and it meant that they belong to the pack or each other. That’s why Grazee and I have such a strong love bond.
    So anyway getting back to my feelings about being selfish, every time I start missing her badly I ask her for a sign and I always ask her to make it big one so I know it is her. And she does every time.
    Last night, for instance, I turned off the lights and was sitting on my bed and I was crying and telling her how much I love her and I know she is okay now and I’m sorry for being selfish but I miss being able to touch her and I asked her to please let me know she is here with me and I looked up and sitting in the doorway of my mother’s bedroom was her cat MIT-MIT staring at me. I knew either she sent her out to me as the sign or I have also heard that the spirits of our pets can sometimes enter our new pets?
    My baby passed away back on May 3rd, 2019 and it was a horrible experience, she had become allergic to just about everything food wise and she eventually starved herself to the point of collapsing and we had to rush her to the emergency animal care where we had to say goodbye to her.

    • Karen Anderson says:

      Hi Don,
      I am so very sorry for the loss of your angel girl. Yes, you are correct! The spirits of our departed pets can join with our current pets. It usually doesn’t last long, just enough for them to get your attention and let you know they are near.
      How wonderful that Grazee is stopping by to send her love to you.

  4. Thank you. On the 3rd of every month I always light candles for her and sing our song. When I haven’t seen any signs that she has been around like her toys that I still have out in her favorite places or I use to see her flash around her shadow or whatever it is? On the 3rd the anniversary of her passing after I light her candles and sing our song I will ask her to please give me a sign that she is still with me and a big sign so I know it is her and she always does, every time.
    I hope she never leaves me or forgets how much I love her. I always tell her to that she better be there when I cross that rainbow bridge.

    • Karen Anderson says:

      She will never forget how much you love her! Those bonds are eternal. I’m sure she loves that you sing to her too. That is so special. Thanks for sharing, Don.

  5. Lina says:

    Dear Karen,
    I loss my Mia on 4/18/2020, she has been with me for 12 years, she was the most delightful happened in my life, we will sit at our stairs every day before I go to work, I will kiss her face about 20 times told her mama needs to go to work and you wait for me, she will kiss my face and when my car pull into driveway, she will run to the front door and dancing jump so high that she just too exciting so happy to get home.
    When she starting getting sick I sent her to Vet ER on 4/14, the Dr told me they will put her in a oxygen tank and give her heart, lung and insulin treatments, she stay in the ER, on the 4/15, evening, my husband suddenly burst to huge tears, he said he keep on getting sign from Mia, said: I want to go home, I want to go home, take me home, so I call Dr I asked if I can pick up Mia and ask Dr send us several Mia’s photos, Dr. did, Mia looks so lonely and sad in the oxygen tank, she has IV on her front leg, my heart just broken to pieces, Dr said she probably can be release next day noon if she can tolerate without the oxygen tank, so next day, Dr called said yes, you can come to pick her up, she been out of the oxygen tank for two hours, she will go home continue with oral medicines, so I pick her up, she is so happy seeing me we kiss each other with tears, I hold her the rest of three days in my arm, I took off three days from my work, I kiss her hundred time and she shed her tears while me and my husband pray to Jesus to give her mercy and healing her, I noticed her tears came down while we pray for her, on 4/18, after I gave her insulin shoot and feed her medicine, she seems got short of breath, I was just try to take her into my car but only a few minutes, she ran to the front door look at me the last glance and i pick her up in my arm, I keep on crying said mama loves you, mama loves you, she passed away in my arm that my world just collapsed, I put my sheep sweater around her, pick up my garden fresh flowers on her, I put a crossed on her and I wrote a fare well letter on her chest and I print our sweet picture that she was celebrated my birthday that she smiled so big in my arm in her chest, I put her in a very beautiful basket and next to me we sleep together the final night, I did not able to fell sleep, I just keep on sai: Mia, mama love you so much, thank you for you been loved your mama so much!
    On next day, my daughter stop by 5 am we bury Mia at my back yard, my daughter order a beautiful tomb stone said: we move you so much Mia, we miss you beyond the words! She was passed away on 12 clock 17 minutes that happened is my Birthday, December, 17th, what that means? Then, next day, when I return to see her tomb, I saw a brown butterfly landed on the Angel stone’s head, my previous dog named is Angel, so I asked that brown color butterfly: Are you Mia? Are u with Angel together? When I ran back to house to pick up my cell, return to tomb, the brown butterfly was gone, then, on 4/28, is my husband’s birthday, I took his photo at our house, when I saw the photo, I can not believe there is a two lights came from the right side of the photo, I think that was Mia her soul still with us, then, two days later, I sit at our front porch I miss her too much, I start looking for her hair that my husband used to trimmed her hair at the front porch, some of her hair was still at the bushes, I was able to found some I placed them into a plastic bag, then, when I look at, OMG, the hair just look like Mia, has a big tail, two black eyes, two legs and seems the Mia in a running to me motion, I took that photo sent to you and my daughter, my husband look at said: yes, it is Mia, exactly looks like Mia, I been carry this Mia’s hair bag go to work and at night, sleep next to my face!! T
    hen, I bought two wind mills placed at her tomb, the wind mill was quiet, still, not moving when I get there, but, when I start talking, I said: Mia, I miss you so much, I will always love you, these two wind mills start turning so fast as they heard my energy, my words and response, so far, I received so many signs and you told me all of these were came from Mia, this is such amazing love I can not explain behind any words, so I try not to excess crying, I just so thankful I found you Karen in the internet, I finish read your animal afterlife book, I loan this book to my neighbor and I mail a check to my friend she do not have a job now but with my money she is able to order your book she loss her 4 dogs last year and this year, I am looking forward to your teaching call session tomorrow, I want to ask Mia if she can do reincarnation back to me? I want to make sure her soul is happy at other side, I also went to my mom’s tomb gave her flower and I asked my mom to hold Mia and Angel in her arm and kiss them for me in heaven, Love is never ended, my heart never-ending to my beloved Mia, I pray she can try very hard to back to my life again?
    Thank you, Karen, without your book or your life, I will be still an empty-hearted and broken soul but I have hope and inspiration by your book!
    I appreciated your healing beyond my words!

    • Karen Anderson says:

      Thank you for sharing your beautiful story with me. My heart breaks for your loss of Mia but while the pain is immeasurable, so too are the memories you will always share. Thank you for being part of my VIP family. I am so happy to help you be open to Mia’s messages and signs. May you find happiness and peace of mind knowing she will always be with you as there is nowhere else she would rather be.

  6. Nancy says:

    Hi, my name is Nancy. I lost my beloved Brownie on March 5th, 2020. I have lost a lot of pets that I truly loved, but this time is different. Brownie and I always had a strong connection. I swear we knew each other’s thoughts. I still feel him with me, and I have never had this feeling before. I need so badly to connect with him.

    • Karen Anderson says:

      I am so sorry for the loss of your angel, Brownie. That bond that you speak of is due to how many past lives you have shared together. They are cumulative and even though we don’t remember on a conscious level, the soul never forgets. I hope you have my book, The Amazing Afterlife of Animals. It will help you understand that soul connection and so much more. I’m sure he is with you and always near as there is nowhere else he would rather be. Sending love and healing.

  7. Nancy Lee steele says:

    How do I get in touch with you to do a session to connect with Brownie?

  8. Joy Wolbers says:

    Hi Karen!
    Maybe we are meant to be connected?? I can tell you this, after reading your book, I truly believe we are here for a purpose not only for our loved ones still with us but also for those we have sadly lost.
    I feel as though, our journey on earth is not only for the living, but for healing and support of the deceased. We can’t just let our beloved pets go and say, “Well, that WAS a great time of my life”! No, there’s more to this life of death than that thought. I’m not okay with that.
    As you know, I have reached out to YOU several times…about the loss of my sweet harlequin great dane Dice! I can tell you now, I have NEVER felt the heartache as I have with this loss of him! I physically have pain, my arms hurt because I want to just wrap them around his big mug and hug him so tight!
    I don’t know what life is going to throw at me, since this huge loss! I do know, the thoughts of not seeing Dice or having any comfort about his “afterlife” is not settling or helping with my healing process. My world has been shattered… I am not the same person I used to be before Dices passing. I have two beautiful and successful daughters that are adults and have their own lives now.
    They are my world and Dice rates just as important as they do.
    Some may think, wow, that’s harsh to say, but no, they didn’t know Dice, and my girls see it as an honor. My youngest would tell us, “oh I see Dice got ANOTHER toy since I was visiting last, He’s more spoiled than I or Chelsea ever were. You didn’t buy us a toy every time you went to the store”! 🤣🤣 But we laughed about it, they knew he was his mama’s world! Still is, right along with my two grandbabies!
    ❤ I LOVE helping people!
    I seem to get pulled into people’s lives when they have a rough time. I don’t know why??? I guess I have always been that straight forward kind of gal, I will tell you how it is, not tell you what you WANT to hear, I’m pretty sure we can agree, doing that doesn’t do any of us any good.
    If I were to get into animal communication, I would be doing it for a couple of wonderful reasons.
    1. I love to help others feel better when they are struggling.
    2. I would love to have that closeness with Dice and other departed pets.
    It’s very impressive to me what YOU do. I’m not sure I can do that, but I certainly am not shying away from that idea either.
    What is it I have to do to take my first steps? Do you think my personality is a good fit for this? It scares me a little, but a little scariness hasn’t killed me yet. 😌 I would be very intrigued to hear your thoughts.
    Thank you for the email and for reaching out to me.

    • Karen Anderson says:

      Hello Joy,
      I have no doubt your boy, Dice has guided you on your journey into Animal Communication and to my site. I am always amazed at how our departed loved ones know who we need to connect with and what is in our best interests going forward. They look out for you and guide you and that is exactly why you are here.
      I am so sorry for the tragic loss of your boy. It is devastating.
      I’m sure many who read this will agree it is like losing part of the family.
      You have a gift inside waiting to be shared with those who are struggling just like you.
      I would recommend starting with my Free Facebook practice group and getting yourself acquainted with how all this works. Click here. I know you are already a part of that group because we chatted on the site.
      If you feel you would like to learn more than I recommend my beginner’s online program click here
      There is no coincidence that you are here today. You have a passion for helping and you love your pets with your whole heart so you are now finding your path. I’m excited for what lies ahead. The possibilities are endless!
      A true Lightworker is one who does all they can to help others and passionate about their work. We want to learn it all at once and are very devoted to those we care about.
      It sounds like your future is calling to your heart!
      I’m here for you if you need more guidance. Just reach out.
      Sending love and healing hugs

  9. Francesca says:

    I always thought I was quite spiritual and believed that after death the spirit of the deceased lives on. I posted a message this summer after my dog passed. Even though utterly heartbroken, I was comforted by the fact he was still around in spirit. For some reason, and I don’t know why, I’m struggling with the whole concept of it. What happens if there is no afterlife and he is no longer here and he has just gone? Why did I love him so much, for him to now no longer be here in either body or spirit? Is it true that when an animal dies their soul dies with their body? I really hope not. I think I am so sad that he has gone, at first I believed he hadn’t, as if he was just magically going to reappear and we could continue with our magical relationship, but in a different way. Now, as time has passed, and I am realising he isn’t coming back, am I overthinking about where he can be? Is it normal to think like this? Is that also part of the grieving process?

  10. Corinne Hennen says:

    Hi Karen,
    I am reeling from the loss of my beloved companion 10 days ago. My heart still aches and the guilt is all-consuming. I miss him so much that some days I just don’t want to get out of bed. I am also very worried about my surviving animals that they are lost without him. I am currently reading your book, “The Amazing Afterlife of Animals”. I am begging for concrete signs from the other side, but there hasn’t been anything that I just know is him. Do you think he will send me a concrete sign that he is ok?

    • Karen Anderson says:

      I am so sorry for your loss Corinne. My heart breaks for you. I’m so glad you have my book to help guide you during this difficult time. Grief is part of our journey with our beloved pets and one we must endure. Remember, this is temporary. The pain will ease, the guilt and sorrow will lift as you open your heart to healing. Staying in grief serves no one especially the pets you still have to care for. They need you to be present and your beloved boy for whom you grieve will want you to move into healing as soon as you can. Some will send obvious signs and some don’t. It is not based on how much they love you. It seems to be entirely random. The more positivity you can put toward him with loving thoughts and cherished memories the more spiritual fuel he will have to send a message. Otherwise, your grief will drain him just as it does you and there is not much to draw upon to send a message which takes an enormous amount of energy to do. Be mindful of subtle signs that deep grief can cause you to overlook. Some signs are very small. Pay attention to your dreams as that is the most common way they visit. Stay focused on loving the pets you have now knowing they need you and love you. Your bonds of love with your angel will never die. I hope you will opt in to my app or my email updates as I will send you supportive emails to help you through this difficult time. Just go to the HOME page and opt in. Sending love and healing

  11. Gary J Ley says:

    Hi Karen,
    I have received the email from you regarding the fact that I was brought to your pages by the Secret. As it happens, I’ve read The Secret and seen the video and it is very good. I believe there is no such thing as coincidence. I recently lost my lovely boy, Goldie who passed on 12 December aged 14. He was my purpose and my life. I’m lost without him by my side. I was drawn and found you and indeed have had messages on your Animal Communication Practice group, which have been so comforting. To hear from him again and to know he’s OK is lovely, and I can wait to be with him again. Thank you Karen for the emails.

    • Karen Anderson says:

      I am so sorry for the loss of your angel, Goldie. It is so hard to lose someone so special. My heart breaks for you. I am so glad to hear you also loved The Secret. The power of our thoughts is what fuels Animal Communication. I’m so glad you received some healing messages from Goldie from my Facebook Practice Group. That is wonderful and so heartwarming! Thank you for sharing your experience with me and know that I am sending you both love and healing.

  12. Tara Jackson says:

    Hi Karen I know in my heart my Sammy had something to do with this. She sees my everyday struggles and sadness to overcome my grief and nothing is working. Karen I need to be able to communicate with her and feel her near me. She was taken so abruptly from my life and at only 5 years old. She was healthy and fine 1 minute and the next her stomach got really blotted within a couple days. She was diagnosed 8/13/20 with Hepatocellur carcinoma at Cornell University Vet. They said she had a 10% survival rate if they operated to take out the part of the liver that ruptured, well any percentage in my book was a chance of survival for my baby girl. She came through the surgery like a champ. Of course this was all while Covid was in full swing so I couldn’t be with her which almost killed me. They said they took all of her liver they could for her to survive but the rest of her liver had lesions all over it. So I was told she may survive 6-8 weeks. When they walked my little girl from the clinic outside where I was waiting it was extremely emotionally overwhelming I couldn’t stop crying or holding her because the last time I saw her I wasn’t sure I’d ever be able to hold and kiss her again. I brought her home and bought expensive supplements to try and prolong her life(money was NEVER an object when it comes to my fur babies health). I had 5 amazing weeks with her and I showered her with all my love everyday like it was her last. I was still not prepared to let her go but her stomach bloated back up and I somehow sensed it was time. I brought the vet to the house and the family put her in her favorite bed and favorite blanket and laid with her until she passed. It still feels like yesterday and hurts as much as it did that day everyday. I’ve had many dogs I work with rescues and adopt and loved all of them just as much but this time shattered my heart and soul into a million pieces. I don’t know why my connection is different with her it just is. So you see Karen I NEED to do this for me for her and my other fur babies! Thank you for helping me!❤️🐾🌈💔😪

    • Karen Anderson says:

      I am so sorry for your loss, Tara. You have just lost someone you love deeply and that is so tragic and painful. You have many the choice to move through your pain and seek answers and discover how to communicate with Sammy. That is HUGE! Yay, you! Yay, Sammy for nudging you along this journey. If love could have healed her she would have been healed a million times over as the bonds you share are so strong. I write about those special companion animals in my book, The Amazing Afterlife of Animals. There is a reason some affect us so deeply while others don’t. I’m honored to be a part of your journey. I celebrate your beautiful Sammy and you for having the courage to move forward into healing. Sending love…

  13. Donner says:

    I lost my soul mate, my heart day, Bomber, 8 days ago and my heart is shattered. I have had many fur kids in my life but he was the one. I have never had a bond like we had. He really was my saviour as much as I was his. He was only 8 and I don’t understand. I also didn’t get to say goodbye before he went which broke my heart but I was talking to him all the way as I raced him to the vet asking him to stay with me but he couldn’t. Ive been asking him for a sign that he is still here. I talk to him every day and kiss his pic good morning and goodnight every day. I honestly don’t know how I will go on but I must for my other fur baby Macy. I’m waiting on your book and I am planning on taking a course to communicate but I am desperate for a message or sign. I’m
    Sure he sent my in your direction. And I too have been in abusive narcissistic relationships and was in one when this beautiful boy came into my life. He got me through that. So your message really resonated with me today.

    • Karen Anderson says:

      I am so very sorry for your loss. Bomber sounds like an amazing soul. I’m sure he sent you my way so you could open your heart and mind to his presence and move through the grief. Sometimes we aren’t meant to heal them and there is nothing more we can do. As painful as it is we endure as their parent and guardian and we do the best we can. They know that and will always love us no matter what happens. Try to focus on the joy he brought to you and how meaningful he made your life together. The grief is overwhelming when you lose someone you love but those bonds of love never die. He will always be with you. Sending love…and healing…

  14. Marcelina Davis says:

    I am so glad I found you. I have had a terrible 62 days. It started with my 4 year old cat Nemo suddendly died -they think he a blood clot ruptured. It was awfaul and happen about 2 hours after I left for work. I had to throw a lot of stuff away and the carpet in the room he passed in. I have never seen a cat go like this before. Then less than 30 days later my 3 year old cat Bolt was in a lot of pain and we found out that he had urinary blockage and a very bad liver and pancras. So we had to make the hard decision to put him down. Then about 30 days later my Cleo who was 6 years old died suddenly at home under my dresser just before I retuned home from work. I believe her heart just stopped. I have never had any cats pass away at home and they all have been to the vet recently and were healthy. Bolt was just at the vet the week before we rushed him to emergency. I had no idea that they were sick or in pain. Nemo’s death was very hard on me because of how he went. But I am having a really hard time getting through this. We all where expecting my dog Max who is almost 9 years old to go. He is not in pain but we can tell that he may not have much longer with us. I feel like maybe I am being punished because I expected my dog to go and not my cats.I feel awful and feel like I failed my three cats. My cats were my rock, friend, theparist. They got me through very rough times including abusive relationships. But now they are gone and they are not here to help me. I wish I knew what happened and if they are ok. I sure miss them. I have lost animals before but never like this or so close together. Thank you for listening and your last email gave me a little peace. Sorry about the spelling and grammer. My heart is just in pieces.

    • Karen Anderson says:

      My dear Marcelina, I am so sorry for your losses and the pain you are experiencing. It must be devastating for you to face your day without their loving faces and sweet smiles. I hope you have my book The Amazing Afterlife of Animals to guide you through the darkness.
      If you don’t yet have it please order it so you can find the peace and healing you need. You will find out that you do not need to worry about them or if they are okay and so much more.
      Your grammar is just fine and you are welcome to write anytime.
      You have my healing prayers

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