How to Get Through The Holidays After a Loss

It happened again today dear human…
November 19, 2021
How to Unlock Your Intuition
April 9, 2022


The holiday season intensifies a loss…

With the holidays upon us, we often reflect on memories of loved ones lost. Emotions can run from really high to very low and everything in between. Wherever you are on your journey, know your loved ones are near as there is nowhere else they would rather be than with you.
While it is good to have distractions from the sadness, I encourage you to lean into your feelings of grief.  Experiencing grief is the way out and only you can take the first steps to lessen your pain.

Even though you may feel alone and you are missing your loved one…

Just know that they are always near. There is nowhere else they would rather be.
Watch for signs they are near. It may be subtle, but your loved ones want to communicate with you.
Be open
Be ready to receive

If you are alone or feeling isolated, please reach out for help.
There are professionals who can assist and guide you such as

How to Get through the Holidays After A Loss

Do This:

  • Do be gentle with yourself and avoid uncomfortable situations (such as family drama)
  • Do allow time for your feelings and express them your way
  • Do pay extra attention to children who are grieving and be an example to them; Encourage them to draw, paint, etc to express feelings
  • Do allow others to help. We all need help at certain times in our lives
  • Do sleep in; rest your mind, body, and soul
  • Do hydrate and nourish your body with healthy choices and lots of H2O
  • Do get out and walk in nature, breathe deeply, expand your lungs

Don’t Do This:

  • Don’t keep your feelings bottled up. Cry a river if you need to
  • Don’t do more than you want; Again, avoid drama and uncomfortable situations
  • Don’t do anything that does not serve your soul and your loss
  • Don’t overindulge in food, beverages, or medications
  • Don’t just ask if you can help a friend in grief as they will likely decline. Actually help them. Find ways; invite them to a painting class or just out for coffee or a drive
You deserve to live a full, happy, and healthy life.
Please share your comments below on what helps you get through the holidays. 
We’ve all endured some challenging times this year so I’ve gathered a few books, events, and some of my favorite things below that will hopefully add brightness to your holiday season.
From all of us at the Painted Rain Ranch Happy Holidays!
What I’m Reading…
We Don’t Die 
A Skeptics Discovery of Life after Death
by Sandra Champlain
#1 Bestseller on Amazon – Order 
You Are Your Best Friend
Learning to Hear and Trust Your Own Innate Guidance
by Jo Albertson
Order on Amazon
My favorite things…
Memorial Art for Pets or People
Pendants, globes, rings, and beautiful artwork
Angry Orange Pet Odor Eliminator
Pet Portraits from $4.99 USD
In the Spotlight
A video series featuring a variety of practitioners who are ready to help you on your journey.
This week’s guest:
Sabina Animal Communicator
Website – Book a Session with Sabina
Find Sabina on my Directory and in the Pet Loss App under Partners too
Silent Night – A Free Virtual Event
Hosted by Kara Daniels – Animal Communicator 
Creator and Owner of Deep Root Connections
Join this FREE event to beat the wintertime blues with nature immersion challenges, interviews, GIVEAWAYS, channeled messages and much more!
Get your tax deductions now!
This year I launched my non-profit Painted Rain Ranch Animal Rescue & Final Refuge. It has been a challenging process, but we are actively providing a final refuge for over 20 companion animals.
We kindly ask you to consider donating as every penny goes to the animals.
Our residents live out their natural lives here…
All the residents on Painted Rain Ranch are here because a human let them down in some way. At no fault of their own they ended up sick, injured, abandoned, or homeless.
With your support, we can continue to provide a loving, final refuge for more deserving souls and give our residents the very best of everything.
More of my favorite animal charities…
The Luca Fund for FIP – Finding A Cure For FIP
Let’s put an end to this deadly disease once and for all.
A sanctuary for cats
Saving lives through rescue, education, and advocacy

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Karen is an award-winning animal communicator and best-selling author who specializes in pet loss and the afterlife. She has documented her journey with her heartwarming and inspirational books, The Pet I Can’t Forget, The Amazing Afterlife of Animals and Hear All Creatures.
She also offers a free app and animal communication coaching programs for all skill levels as well as loving support and guidance for those struggling with the loss of a beloved companion.
Karen is the CEO and founder of Painted Rain Ranch Animal Sanctuary a non-profit charity that serves as a final refuge for elderly, special needs, and abandoned companion animals. Karen saves the pets no one else wants on her 30-acre farm in the Inland Pacific Northwest. Proceeds from Karen’s books and coaching benefit the animals at the sanctuary.
The app is FREE Download here or in the APP store on your device


  1. Joanne T says:

    Hi Karen! It is a blessing that I read your books and found your site. You are so kind to be here for us the ‘forgotten ones’ who are grieving. No one wants us. You are a angel and I am so grateful for your helpful posts. What helps me is to volunteer at my local shelter. I do what I can for the animals and give them lots of love. Keep doing this important work.

    • Karen Anderson says:

      You are so kind and I am truly honored to be a part of your journey. Thank you for helping the animals in the shelter. They are so scared and don’t know what is going to happen to them. Sending you peace and healing.

  2. Dee Smith says:

    I love your suggestions about the holidays. I don’t have anyone to talk to but I feel like you understand my pain. I’m going to lean into my grief instead of avoiding it. That was my biggest take away from this. Thank you.

    • Karen Anderson says:

      It is the most courageous thing you can do. Lean into the grief. We naturally want to avoid anything painful but this is truly the way out. We move through the levels and into healing. Sending you lots of love, peace and healing

  3. Monty F. says:

    What helped me through last year’s holiday season was to start journaling. What started out as random thoughts has turned into a book about my journey. I hope to publish it soon. Thank you for helping those of us who have no one else to turn to.

    • Karen Anderson says:

      I am so happy to hear about your book! Congratulations! I know what a huge project that is so feel good about your accomplishment. I’m honored to be a part of your journey. Sending love and healing

  4. Martina says:

    My dog Griffin died on Christmas day last year. That is how I found you. My friend gave me your book and I read it in two days. Karen, it literally saved me. I thought I was going to die from the pain. So thank you for writing it and I will give your books to others who need them. That is what got me through the worst holiday of my life. Blessings to you.

    • Karen Anderson says:

      I am so sorry for your loss. It is the most painful thing to go through especially during the holiday season. I’m so glad my books have helped you through the pain. Thank you for giving them as gifts. I am honored. Sending love and healing

  5. Donna Hudson says:

    Thank you Karen. You have helped me tremendously, with the grief I’m feeling from the loss of my cat Kitty. I learned some things in your book “The Amazing Afterlife of Animals. I’m looking forward to reading your new book.
    Christmas is different for me, my Mom passed away on February 2nd 2016. So our family doesn’t celebrate together anymore.
    I’m lucky to spend time with my 2 Great Niece’s, London and Savannah, and my 2 Great Nephew’s, Micha and Elijah.
    I hope you have a good Christmas and I thank you for giving a loving home to all the animals at The Painted Ranch.
    Always, Donna Hudson.

    • Karen Anderson says:

      Thank you so much, Donna, I appreciate your kindness and beautiful words. I’m supposed to be working on my new book so I can get it published! I get so distracted sometimes! Sending love to you sweet lady.

  6. Nelson says:

    As others here have shown great appreciation, I, too, wish to thank you for being there for us pet parents who have lost their beloved. I look forward to your new book when it comes out. I will be on the lookout for it. Regarding the photos I sent you of Charlie, there is a new development. While I was searching for a pill I dropped I found a packaged prescription treat that fell behind a cabinet. Then I remembered the photo of an ethereal Charlie facing that cabinet as if looking at something or sleeping. Now I realize he was trying to tell me of his treat trapped behind the cabinet. It’s now placed by his urn near his memorial. As a result of searching for Charlie through digital books available through my public library I have learned a lot and it has led me to a free Zoom seminar where the host did my Gematria chart (ancient Hebrew numerology) and found that I have an unusually high “talent” rating of 9. It turns out I am psychic. That would explain a lot of things that have gone on in my life. I was able to receive message medium-wise from my brother-in-law who said “I love you,” to his wife, my sister, who was astonished because he used to say that to her everyday. She would often ask him why needed to do so. I am now just beginning to realize that I may be a medium. Although I am able to communicate with Charlie, I have to work on learning to understand his messages. I was able to receive images in my mind with my eyes closed. To my astonishment, Charlie showed his face. His face was so close to me his snout was literally in my face. But his eyes again was the focus like his ethereal image captured by the surveillance camera. One day when I’m done with taking care of my parents I wish to help others connect with their beloved pets and to volunteer at the local shelter. God bless!

    • Karen Anderson says:

      That is so exciting and wonderful! I love that Charlie was showing you the treat behind the cabinet. The two of you most likely share many past lives together and have a psychic connection. Being open to receiving messages is an incredible experience. It can change your life in so many powerful ways. May you find peace and healing and thank you for sharing your kind words.

  7. cory bailey says:

    Hi Karen, Yes we just suddenly lost our beloved 11 yo Vizsla 3 days ago on xmas eve. Like most everyone on here has relayed about their own experiences, I was absolutely crushed to lose Travis, our utterly adored TRAVel VIZsla. I was basically desperate for any relief and in searching the ‘net I found you and your book about Animal Afterlife and I ordered the audio book and have listened to it 1.5x so far in 2 days. Yes the concept initially seemed very far fetched to me, but in fact your book has given me some powerful help. I would love to book a session with you to learn more from an experienced expert

    • Karen Anderson says:

      I am so sorry to hear about your loss. My heart breaks for you and I send my deepest condolences. I have no doubt that your angel guided you to me. Our departed loved ones know who can help ease our pain and support us on our journey. I am so thankful you found my book and that it has brought peace and healing to your broken heart. It is is new concept for some but it has been my life for so long now that it is hard for me to imagine NOT being open to animal communication. As much as I would be honored to connect with your angel, my calendar is closed but you can view my DIRECTORY for practitioners who can assist you. Please be sure you opt in as a VIP on my HOME page so I can continue to provide you with the loving support you deserve. Sending love and healing

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